Day 8 – Rip it!

On the knitting front: ripped back the Veil of Isis (rave link), didn’t like the gage that I was getting.  I’m doing it in sock yarn, this lovely set of mixed spring greens, I’m going to have to find the tags for it to post tomorrow.  I’ve done this stuff for another shawl and I realize now that even blocking isn’t going to make this stretch, so if I want any kind of open work lace feeling to it I’m going to have to use gage to do it.  So don’t do it on sock needles!

I was using 2.75mm and moved up to 3.75 mm and I’m hoping that enough because I really don’t want to have to do this again!

For the cowl (rave link) that I’m doing for my mother, it’s done but for the cast off and the blocking.  After working at it for another half hour and getting half of the stitches off I’m leaving it alone for a while.  It needs some time to think about it’s transgressions I think.

Spent most of this afternoon at A’s son’s 1st birthday party.  Got another couple of inches on the jaywalker socks done while watching the kids run around.  Worked right until someone challenged me to a game of Dr. Mario.  I can’t resist that game, really I can’t.  I keep my 20 year old Nintendo just so that I can still play it.  That and I still have dreams of beating level 8-1 in the original Mario brothers.

That’s all for today, going to try my new gage out before I head to bed.

About Liz Verge

I'm a knitter, sewist, writer, and vlogger. My current passion is for vintage (1900-1918) fashion and I'm going to attempt to make a handmade wardrobe using vintage patterns.
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